Amarilyz Jose

Amarilyz Jose

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Best practice after an interview is to encourage students to reflect after their interview on new information or information that was significant in the interview so they are able to include this in their thank you letter.

There are several ways to improve your Right Mental Attitude: fostering your inner coach, determine your incentives, and making a plan and set benchmarks.

It is important to ask for feedback and having the Right Mental Attitude (RMA). This energy management allows us to increase our awareness and energy to better serve our students.

Your personal energy can have long term effects on the lives of students. I thought of Maya Angelou's quote, "People forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

As an educational professional, our attitude holds a great deal of influence on the student that results in long-term effects on students' own attitude toward their schooling, personality, and life performance. 

All members contribute to the team and it looks different among the members. Group trust also helps create that cohesion to accomplish goals.

Collaboration allows a department to constantly improve. It allows us to keep an open mindset, improve self-esteem/confidence, handle conflict and become better leaders.

Learned that each generation is influcened by events that changes their preferences on values, technology, etc.

It is important to note that people may have different communication styles and best practice is to never assume.

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