Jamechia Duncan

Jamechia Duncan

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Great information was conveyed in this section. What stood out was the Positive language is a skill that involves constructing statements in a way that conveys possibilities, options, and benefits Vs punitive language expresses limitations, ultimatums, and negative consequences, which may carry a subtle tone of blame or stern authority that can be damaging to the working alliance. Before this lesson I was not able to clearly obsrrve a distinction.

Technology is highly important and essential to the online learning experience. Studies show the Internet for some young professionals are just as important to the essentials of life. While that may seem a bit dramatic in comparison to some, it shows how important technology is to the future Developers of the world.

Online learning has emerged as the main educational format due to covid. Because of this it is important that we as instructors become familiar with all the technicalities involve. This format is just as valuable as in class instruction.

Ive been a current student while dually being am instructor and I completely agree with what is being conveyed. I will apply these methods to jelp ensure student retention.

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