Virtual labs can be useful to simulate the experience without the real hazards.
It is important to apply the knowledge we've learned to competency based education. Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor each play an important part in the learning process.
I believe this style of teaching is a better fit for the younger students we see in our schools today. By utilizing technology and reorganizing the order of the learning it is likely to get more engagement from students. I think this will be helpful for some of the students who struggle the most with the more conventional forms of teaching. Using technology in this way increases the chances that students will be dialed into the content.
Using many new tools and technologies allows this format of learning to be even more effective.
This concept has many benefits. It is better suited to students with hearing impairment. It allows students who speak other languages a better chance to understand the lectures. See it, Do it, Teach it seems to be a solid approach.
The Flipped Classroom concept has many real advantages in today's world. Many students can benefit from being able to view prerecorded lectures at their convenience. This helps people fit school into their busy lives with schedule flexibility. Another advantage of prerecorded content is having the ability to rewind or watch a lecture over again to gain maximum understanding. There is some very high quality content available across many different platforms that can be found online. Sources such as YouTube and Khan academy are great tools that today's students feel comfortable with.
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