Alexcia McIntosh

Alexcia McIntosh

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All student information should be treated confidentially to avoid violating FERPA. Before releasing information make sure to read the guidelines that way you don’t violate a FERPA guideline. 

Title IX plays an important role in protecting the students and bringing awareness to sexual crimes that may occur . It is important for all students and employees to be aware of the proper person to reach out to and even understand that any reporting can be done confidentially if need be.

It only makes sense that the person who is holding the Title IX position should not hold another position that would be in conflict of interest if something were to occur. Sexually based crimes and offenses are very traumatic and should not be taken lightly. 

Motivating your students is important for success. students look to you for expertise and knowledge so it's important to engage with them on a level that motivates them.

Students are coming from different backgrounds, ages, and experiences. Its important to connect with them, but also maintain your professionalism that way you can guide them and help them be successful throughout their program. Many students have different motivations and some of them may get distracted when situations are not favorable. It's important to get to know your students and be the neutral support person when things arise. 

When developing content for the class its best to deliver content in 10-15 minute intervals. utilizing different methods of teaching can help target all learners and keep engagement high throughout the instruction. retention drops after seven steps, so when teaching something in chronological order its important to remember not to have so many steps in one setting. 

It's important to introduce yourself to the class so they can see that you are human, and it gives them a better feeling of relation and comfort.

a detailed outline of what is expected, what will be learned, and how to gauge what was learned is beneficial to the teacher and students. 

Modeling, managing, and motivating should always be the initial goal. properly planning is key to success for myself and my students. 

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