Ali Amini

Ali Amini

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Best resource for management.

How do you find that style of management? Is it working in any cultural and geographical back ground or it only works in a highly developed and motivated working team?

Being transparent and understanding have been my success tools in the management in past 14 years. It may not work all the time but it definitely brings more harmony and synchronism among team members.

Very resourceful website for any aspects of management activities.

I personally believe that personal values in a manager are probably very important and ignoring them or try to copy a different personality may have adverse effect on management capabilities.

It makes the team more comfortable and participating, but development a demand for support of team ideas which sometimes it doesn't work.

This is a good article regarding democratic management style.

I am very happy to find out about all those management styles and found out the one that I always been!

Will you dismiss your team member, will you change their positions, will you bring HR into any unresolving conflict, or you take an initiative sometime off the policies and guidelines to address this matter?

Very knowledgeable materials in any aspect of leadership and management.

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