Anthony Puccio

Anthony Puccio

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Great question! I ran into that issue a few years ago and luckily found DOE approved material. Here are the links:

This takes you to the government website. Located under the first paragaph of information labeled (Learn how to locate, share, download, print, and embed infographics in your own website.) you will select the first link. 

Or you can go directly to the website to get the materials:

I hope that helps!

The best training would come hands on from a seasoned financial aid officer. I find that the online trainings are great but the years of experience and situational knowledge is something that cannot be captured in a basic online training course.

I was a self taught financial aid officer who obtained some of my information by doing the fsa training that Mary posted in the above comment. I feel that the majority of my information came from actually going through the process of filling out a FAFSA (reading every section, helpful hint, exporing every piece of information), then completing the… >>>

We have this occur quite a bit at our institution. Since we are a trade school, we have a large amount of students using tuition reimbursement paid by their employer. We require students to submit a form which allows us to share information with the third party (FERPA Release Form). We use it for a multitude of situations but we find that most students utilize the form for family. 


Administrative leaders are crucial to the successful adhearance and implementation of regulatory measures. As a policy and procedure writer for a non-profit college I find that strong department heads are important in ensuring any changes are implemented from the top down. I find that having buyin from my department heads will ensure their employees are much more receptive to any additional work or changes that are caused from a shift in regulations.

The hardest part of the year is when we do our annual IPEDS and the way in which departments must take on additional reporting to capture all of… >>>

Simple answer...No. You should not confirm or deny the student is in attendance at your institution, and even more importantly, whether or not they are present that specific day. Students right to privacy is crucial to uphold. Think of FERPA as the HIPPA of education. 

You should first check your system of record to see if the student has a FERPA release form on file and determine who he/she has permitted to have access to educational information (if anyone). You should do this with in the most careful way to ensure you have not indirectly confirmed the student is/is not… >>>

First let me start off by saying congratulations! I cannot even begin to imagine the amount of work that was invested to get your school up and running.

Now to help out with some of your questions. You happen to operate in one of the most highly regulated states (outside of California) which is where I operate. You must adhere to all regulatory requirements for the state of Texas. I have not dealt much with the TDLR but it is typical for a state to have a licensing agency for vocational/trade schools that deliver short programs with specific program outcomes.… >>>

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