though,I have not taken this course, but the blog did did bring up some very interesting ways to engage students,I usually keep a soft ball in class, and as soon as I see that the lecture is somewhat becoming boring, I change my venue,,and we start a game of throw ball, who ever has caught the ball will answer a question to the recent topic of our discussion/lecture.this keeps the students on alert,if a student answers correctly, there is a small reward, a candy or chocolate.
I think this course is for all who teach and want to refresh or learn new ways to empower our students,I loved it and am looking forward to applying all what I learned and of course would like to share how it went, new class start sin jan 2012.
I am totally against extra credit, if there is one such question which might be worth 2 points such as true or false,if the answer is false and the student gives the reason why it is false,I may add 2 more points to such a question,but prefer not to do this all the time.
What have I learned?I just completed ED 104 and ED 105,I cannot tell you how much I have learned! the typical class each day and then the well prepared class,I actually am preparing my self for the next start in Jan 2012,I have so much to give and in a better way,i just cant wait.
Live to learn!
how can I apply?
the two courses have really energized me and how I am going to apply all what I have learned is that I will apply different ways to a boring or dry subject , I have visual learners in my class and… >>>
I love the comment that someone made,"one size does not fit all",we as teachers of all people need to know that, each and every student is an individual and has to be treated equally,making sure all students in a given class learn as they progress, cookie cutter style does not work either.
Simultion not only helps understand the concepts but it gives them this 3 dimensional thinking,to see things out of the box, if a simulation is not available ask the students to come up with ideas where they can make and present it to the class, here you have included in your teaching,the 5 senses,the visual learning and critical thinking,as well as a chance for a shy student to speak in front of a class without any intimidation.
I also think, the attention grabber should be left for "those"special occasions,when the class seems to phase out, or a new and complicated topic has to be presented.
I learned the most from this course, specially ppt presentations, I actually learned a lot,I had no clue that we have to have a specific format of font size, # of slides and time rquired for a topic, I am so glad I had a chance to take this course,will do a lot better next time I make my ppt presentations even alter myprevious ones.
thank you.
I also like the idea of changing /rearranging the classroom but not early in the course, as I have found that the first 2/3 days if the students sit in thier assigned seats, you can very easily remember thier names,this is my way of knowing my students by thier names in the first week of class,it gives me a visual sense of memorizing the names as I go about in the classroom,this has helped me a lot, second week around ,the classroom is rearranged,and this is weekly routine.
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Samuel,I have to agree with you, having to teach adult learners and now for over 13 years, I STILL LEARNED A LOT FROM ed104 course,really it has given me a new way of thinking,I am really amazed that in a very short time this course has really taught me to reflect on myself as an instructor,when I will begin my next class I know that I will be well prepared for my class,the first few days are challanging and any new idea for an old topic is welcome.I am going to make a log book for each day and see… >>>