Andrew Iwersen

Andrew Iwersen

About me


What or how do we motivate employees who are burned out and never apply for promotional opportunities?

I work for a school that has an internship. The value of this is huge, our students are able, under instructor supervision, to practice their techniques in a safe and controlled environment. We provide them clients but it is up to them to determine how they will communicate with them. I have staff members that, when they went through school, did an externship. They werent always doing the work they trained for but rather other duties in the spa or clinic they were externing in. They didnt feel prepared for doing the work once they were hired on somewhere. I… >>>

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I work for a large school group. When developing the 5 year plan committee is it suggested that we develope it at the campus level first then present it to our home offices? Historically speaking we have had our corporate directors and VP's working on this. Perhaps we could work collectively on the plan, include corporate indivduals and campus level individuals.
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i have found that most crisis will show itslef early as something small, assuming its not a natural disaster but more operational, and if not caught early will grow into a monster of a crisis.
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can 1 employee out of 35 keep an entire building from getting better just because of their negative attitude towards life in general?
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when reviewing a resume what is considered to be more pertinent; education or experience and how is it perceived if they have education before experience and vice versa?

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