Anwar Chowdhury

Anwar Chowdhury

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Reply to Kathleen Watts's post:Yes, I totally agree with you Kathleen on this subject related to Dean's list. I didn't think insitutions could ever list student's GPA anyway, but obvious;ly in order for a student to be on the Dean's list, he or she must be maintaining a high level of GPA.

I didn't know about the Solomon's act until today and it was indeed an interesting act to know, also with today's online learning environment, it can be a very challenging in regards to maintaining FERPA related laws especially when it comes to online discussion postings.


Reply to Karen Greene's post: Yes I totally agree with you here Karen, plus institutions really don't have choices but to comply with FERPA laws if they want to avoid any potential liabilities and possible penalties.

FERPA is definitely a complex issue to handle for anyone with so many elements of laws (both implied and written). We all have to use our best judgment when dealing with FERPA and take action based on the laws and without taking any pressure from anyone. Institutions must train every employye on a regular basis (periodically) on FERPA either first time and onging for new employees and periodic training for current employees just to make sure that they are in full compliant with the FERPA laws.

Reply to Sheila Heinert's post: I agree with you on this, FERPA can be a complicated subject to have total understanding and it is very easy to forget any single element within FERPA laws, so it's always good to go by the book and review FERPA laws periodically or as trining on FERPA offered or mandated by the institution. 

I would apply as required by the laws. Most if not all educational institutions have annual training in place that all faculties and employees must take and complete in order to be up to date and in compliant with the FERPA laws. 


This is a well organizaed course. Anyone teaches online should take this course to enhance his/her online teachiong skills.

Reply to Judy Whitehill's post: I totally agree with you on gtis Judy and just to add my thought to yours' protecting privacy of a student is everyone's responsibility and must be safeguarded with due care

My main learning was to maintain student's privacy and do not give out any information that pertains to student's educational records without written permission even to his or her parents, spouse, brother(s), sister(s), or/and any relative. Just because they are directly related to the student, they do not have right or access to student's record unless authorized by the student and the authorization must be in written form.


Hello all, From my past experience as a student as well as an instructor, I have seen, when it comes to group project, contribution from each member is not often equal. There is always one who wants to get a free ride on others' work. But as the topic mentioned, by grading individually can help identify the non-productive member of the group and be awarded points accordingly.

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