Antarpreet Kang

Antarpreet Kang

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I have learned from this module that objectives should be based on standards and should be specific, measurable and clear for the students and instructors. 

A successful instructor should always have detailed lesson plans with time management which will be very beneficial for the class and students. Keeping lesson plans in a folder is a great idea as anyone can have access to them in your absence, incase another instructor has to cover for you.

Through this course, I learned that there are a lot of things that we need to keep in mind before preparing a lesson plan for the class. We need to make changes in the lesson plans for each set of class. One lesson plan may not completely fulfil the requirements of the next set of students even though the contents to be covered may be the same. Instructors need to be flexible and have a plan B always ready incase your main plan doesn't work.

After taking this course, I am well versed with the the different learning styles of each generation as how different available technology was for each generation. As a instructor, one should keep that in mind while teaching a multigenerational class of students. It was interesting to learn all the varied characteristics of all the different generations and how it could affect their learning styles.

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This course was very informative and provided very practical ways to manage the classroom behavior with disruptive students. I needed to know all about it. 

I learned that there are the 4 types/styles of instructors. Also I was able to identify what kind of style I follow and what changes I need to make to improve my teaching style and provide the best teaching to the adult students.

Great information regarding types of disabilities and how to recognize and support those students.

 In this module, I learned that you will need good monitoring skills to keep students focused and progressive. Moving around in class, having 2-4 seconds of eye contact, 20 second pauses, grouping students by random selection are some of the various good methods to monitor a class and provide constant atmosphere for effective student learning.

The explanation of how the extra credit points should work in the real world was very informative for me.

The 10/20/30 rule for the PP was new and interesting to me. Will try to incorporate more use of the Flip charts during open discussions or problem solving topics.

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