Antarpreet Kang

Antarpreet Kang

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Learned about the nature of assignments that the instructors should give to adult learners and not just any busy work type assignments. Facilitators should give students empowering assignments that are rigorous, challenging, involves critical thinking and maybe some research work. Assignments should pertain to real-world problems which the students can work as team members to come up with solutions and further discuss in the classroom. 


This course taught me that the students need to be empowered to be active learners in the class room rather than passive learners. To prevent students to use technology in the class room nowadays is close to impossible in this new system of learning / education. It is rather advisable to involve students and encourage them to explore all variety of resources to gain knowledge. 

I have learned that the involvement of students and receiving feedback and ideas regarding content delivery is really very important for their optimal learning. Developing Courtesy, Respect , Rapport, utilization of Technology must be practiced and applied for student learning success and to develop soft skills that will be very helpful in their careers as well. Effective listening on the part of instructor gives the students, a sense that their thought are valuable and give the instructor knowledge of what the students needs, so they are able to make required changes in their lesson plans or the way of delivery.

Learned great info regarding student empowerment and them taking ownership of their learning the material and skills and its application in the field.

It was an interesting course and I learned about a variety of activities that can be incorporated into the class time to make learning more fun, interesting and lively for the students. I plan to utilize some of these games to enhance the memorization and / or learning process. 

This module made me aware of many interesting interactive games to introduce in the class room setting to make learning fun rather than pure memorization. I was familiar with crossword and word search activities but ball toss, finding the match or flip card games seem very promising and fun activities.

It was interesting to know that the new concept / terminology should be exposed to students and possibly in different exciting ways, at least 6 times to get 90% retention results. The facts that 80% of students are visual learners and when emotions are tied to any learning, it commits to long term memory quicker were very interesting.

I have learned from this module that objectives should be based on standards and should be specific, measurable and clear for the students and instructors. 

A successful instructor should always have detailed lesson plans with time management which will be very beneficial for the class and students. Keeping lesson plans in a folder is a great idea as anyone can have access to them in your absence, incase another instructor has to cover for you.

Through this course, I learned that there are a lot of things that we need to keep in mind before preparing a lesson plan for the class. We need to make changes in the lesson plans for each set of class. One lesson plan may not completely fulfil the requirements of the next set of students even though the contents to be covered may be the same. Instructors need to be flexible and have a plan B always ready incase your main plan doesn't work.

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