Antarpreet Kang

Antarpreet Kang

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I learned that engaging with students is very important. Starting class with enthusiasm, positivity and laying the objectives clearly in front of students sets a good learning tone for the day. Similarly, ending the class with an activity or discussion assists the students in summarizing and retaining the material from that class. These tips will definitely increase the participation, motivation and retention of the learning done in the classroom. Students will then want to come to class with more energy and positive attitude to make learning a great experience.

No matter to which generation the students belong to, they are in the class room for a common goal of gaining knowledge that will help them grow in their chosen respective career. The instructor can definitely plan certain assignments, discussions or group activities for facilitating this learning process as the Gen Y and Gen Z (mainly the student population nowadays)  relate to them so much better. Sharing life experiences of the students and the instructor is another very potent way to accumulate and improve the learning experience.

Technology is the present and the future in the class room and / or online teaching. Excellent information about Gen Y and Gen Z students and how an instructor should keep a balance between human connection and use of technology in the classroom for best learning outcome.

  this course taught me very interesting facts about the characteristics of all the various generations and how it relates to their learning styles and expectations in the classroom setting to gain knowledge. The instructors should be aware of these expectations and be well versed in how to deliver the knowledge to the class of multigenerational students to be a successful facilitator.

Learned about the nature of assignments that the instructors should give to adult learners and not just any busy work type assignments. Facilitators should give students empowering assignments that are rigorous, challenging, involves critical thinking and maybe some research work. Assignments should pertain to real-world problems which the students can work as team members to come up with solutions and further discuss in the classroom. 


This course taught me that the students need to be empowered to be active learners in the class room rather than passive learners. To prevent students to use technology in the class room nowadays is close to impossible in this new system of learning / education. It is rather advisable to involve students and encourage them to explore all variety of resources to gain knowledge. 

I have learned that the involvement of students and receiving feedback and ideas regarding content delivery is really very important for their optimal learning. Developing Courtesy, Respect , Rapport, utilization of Technology must be practiced and applied for student learning success and to develop soft skills that will be very helpful in their careers as well. Effective listening on the part of instructor gives the students, a sense that their thought are valuable and give the instructor knowledge of what the students needs, so they are able to make required changes in their lesson plans or the way of delivery.

Learned great info regarding student empowerment and them taking ownership of their learning the material and skills and its application in the field.

It was an interesting course and I learned about a variety of activities that can be incorporated into the class time to make learning more fun, interesting and lively for the students. I plan to utilize some of these games to enhance the memorization and / or learning process. 

This module made me aware of many interesting interactive games to introduce in the class room setting to make learning fun rather than pure memorization. I was familiar with crossword and word search activities but ball toss, finding the match or flip card games seem very promising and fun activities.

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