April Grant

April Grant

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Leadership is about inspiring your staff to meet goals that helps to  support the vision of the organization


There are many different leadership types and it is interesting to see that I feel that I am a mixture - not coercive though.   I don't think that is an effective strategy at all. 


I feel like I do both, but I would like to continue to work on these skills. 


Assessments require planning and consideration of the learning objectives. 

Allowing students to understand the value of the assessment as well as the instruction - or content area covered in the assessment - helps the student understand that it is important information they are learning. 


Assessment types and know when or why to use them. 


Assessment should guide the instruction and the content objectives should guide the type of assessment. 


Assessments using technology can expand beyond what is "hands-on" because it can provide the student with experiences in simulations that will help them with their learning - especially in healthcare. 


Being able to set your students up for success through use of the proper and approrpiate tools.  


Students should gain an understanding of professional and appropriate communication especially in the online discussion boards.  This is a great way to prepare them for their professional careers. 


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