Andrea  Williams

Andrea Williams

About me


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How can an employee learn a manager is always busy and response is very short whenever he or she answers?
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In some cases is it acceptable to set very high goals that may be unrealistic to encourage the team to work harder?
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I learned the best way to motivate employees is offering assistant on projects. Also backing the team up in their time of need.
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How would someone deal with a team in which they have promoted to management from the same team and now the team is not very happy with your acheivement therefore no one wants to listen?
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I perceived this being one of the most challenging sessions, but after completing this session I learned some great techniques. I guess I thought this way because I am always in front of an auduience. It is great to know that you can engage your learners without being in their presence by implementing a couples of easy stategies.
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Because I now student attrition is most important in all school environments I retained some key things to encourge students participation.
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It was interesting learning an asynchronus and a synchronus online student. There were excellant stratagies in handle this type of student.
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Getting started was a great introduction of this online course. It opened the course with some vital information.
I enjoyed this module because it is always good to obtain new ways of students learning. As an instuctor I'm always in the learning mode so I also think of myself as a student.

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