Bailee Whitener

Bailee Whitener

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When you a supervisor or a regular employee, you might not be able to say yes on everything that they give, and that is okay. Sometimes you will have to say no and that is not a bad thing. 

When I am teaching or when I am outside of teaching, I have to say no sometime because I might not know how to do it or I know that cannot put 100% in to the assignment. 

Mangers and supervisors need to hold each other accountable but also hold themself accountable as well. 

Anyone can be a leader because they all have leadership qualities in them. I never thought could be a leader when I was younger but now that I am older, I realize that I am a leader to many people in my life. my students are one of them because they see me almost every day and some might look up to me and learn from what I do. I want to be a great leader to them and lead by example. 

You always needs to identify the problem so you can help create a solution for the problem. You need to make sure you identify the problem but also create a plan for it to. 

If I am in a group solving problems, then I will ask my group members if they have any ways to solve the problem. I will ask them for help. 

Always communicate with each other to discuss how things are going. 

Sometimes when you are working with a group, you can read a person based off their body language and their nonverbal signs. if you are able to read that, then you can understand how they are doing. 

If you take your time, then you have a better chance of not making mistakes.

Personally, I always double check the things I do to prevent mistakes. 

And I always encourage the people I am with to help motivate them

Being able to listen to criticism and feedback from other people, is really important. if you listen and learn from it, then it can benefit you. you can learn and grow from it. 

i also accept feedback because I want to learn from it so I can grow form it. 

If I do not understand some of the things that I am being told, then I will ask for clarification so I can understand what they are saying  

Sometimes when you are talking to other people, you might need to Iisten rather than talk the entire time. If you are not paying attention while you are listening, you might miss critical information. It is important to active listen so you do not miss anything that you might need to here. 

if you active listen, then the other person could feel appreciated that you are paying attention.  


Communication is important in all settings in your life. If you have questions, ask!

as a teacher and a coach, you have to communicate with the other teachers and coaches to let them know what the plan is and it will help prevent any miscommunication. 

With myself, I try my best to have great communication because I want them to know the information they need. 

If I am going to be late or gone, I make sure to let them know immediately 

Stress is something that everybody can have, and sometimes it can help you, but it can also not help you. some of the ways i handle stress is by listening to music and reading. I find these helping a lot and has a calming effect on me. 

Something I have to tell myself is to on worry on the things I can control and not worry on things that are outside of my control 

I also make a list, and it is for me to know what I need to get done. 

I believe consistency is key when you're in the classroom. If the kids know what to expect, then can are used to it and will know what to expect. A challenge that I have faced is that the student sometimes think that I am a friend rather than the teacher, so I have to make to sure to set boundaries with the students so they know. 



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