Barbara Nadrotoska

Barbara Nadrotoska

About me


Framing Questions with a connection to what a student is currently experiencing gets a better response than general questions.

I give examples that may be playing out in their lives and that usually activates their interest. I then can proceed to the lessons

and how that dovetails with their thinking.

In Art History there is a better response from the students if I can relate events from the past to current events to spike their interest

in art of the past as related to that time in history. Then I can explore the development of style with content.

The motivation of students I find, is to connect with wht interets them and attach it to the subjects being taught. I find that students have more interest in the subject when I can show them the necessity of this knowledge and how it will enhance their lives.

Taking the material and connecting it to the world beyond the classroom has great rewards.

Barbara Nadrotoska

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To get the student activated I add questions that require opinion, then we can proceed to academic evaluation of the material

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The students must be made to feel that teir questions add to the lecture.

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Framing Questions with a connection to what a student is currently experiencing gets a better response than general questions.

I give examples that may be playing out in their lives and that usually activates their interest. I then can proceed to the lessons

and how that dovetails with their thinking.

Discussion Comment

In Art History there is a better response from the students if I can relate events from the past to current events to spike their interest

in art of the past as related to that time in history. Then I can explore the development of style with content.

king up definitions to memorize that have your own twist does NOT facilitate understanding,

Discussion Comment
With my students who are in some form of the arts and in an arts program, visuals must play an important part of the learning process. The "word" is linear, while the image opens different connections in their brain and relates more directly with their patterns of learning.

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