I will always take notes of difficult areas, I will work on a goal plan, It is important for me to involve my students in my performance, because I like to have them be part of my growth as an instructor, I believe that as much as we are prepared there will always something that will not come out as we well planned it. keep your emotions in place and learn to move on. I have also learned that my reflection(mood) as an instructor has a lot to do with how the class runs.
I do have a student with such disruptive behavior and I have advised her, verbal and written as well. I have all documentation of the conversations I just hope she realizes that her conduct is afecting her learning and everyone else in the class.
All this information is very helpful. I do have a student in one of my classrooms for each of this categories and I constantly let them know how important they and what advancements they are making I also mention the WIIFM approach and that seems to well. I do like the idea of the 5 color cards as well.
I like the "Ice Breaker " Ideas and I implement a question sequence that allows each student to answer a few questions about themselves, I also have each student introduce themselves with fun facts, hobbies or anything interesting about themselves.
always be prepared, enthusiastic and caring to all your student.
Discussions are an important part of keeping students motivated. Also reminding them of all the past learning skills they have accomplished by having them write new skills learned.
I learned from this session that Kindness and positive actions will give students a sense of happiness in a bit of a moment. I always start my class with a nice quote on the board that resonates to me and at the end of the week I go around and ask what their favorite quote of the week was and why? it opens up a nice discussion and I as well as all students get to know a bit more about everyone in a kind way.
I have learned thru this discussion that it's always important to understand the students needs and previous experiences as a reference on how a students expectations in your class will determine the enthusiasm they will have to be engaged and encouraged. Learn to get to know your students.
Different teaching methods need to be tailored and cover all different methods to have students stay interested and encouraged.
I have learned to Greet every person, create space for students to get to know you and give them a sence of security by allowing yourself to share your professional back ground. Also I learned that is important to learn students names as quickly as you can.
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