Brenda Brown

Brenda Brown

About me

Hi I am an Instructor at Miller Motte Technical College for the Medical Assistants. I enjoy teaching, graduation time and seeing/hearing that students have found a job. Medical Coding, Mdical Insurance, Medical computer applications are just a few course I teah for Administrative Skills in the Medical Assistant Program.


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All demongraphics are part of the hire education mode these days but generation Y are the Techy "Babies I like ot call them and and are truly seeking hire education and technology.

 About Generaton Y, I agree with ED117. The course material presented in this cousre has truly encoauraged me that teachin is so rewarding. Know that all generations these days are seeking higher education including the techy "babies" I like to call them and to know that I myself as an instructor are a part of the wonderful beginning and ending in seeking hire education.

Maintain professionalism is the key to dealing with conflict on the workplace. Respect your co-workers and be careful about expressing your opinion.


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Goal setting is something I do both personally and professionally. Goal setting is essential to be your success as an individual and as a professional.
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Access for all student is very important the students should be able to move around enter and exit at a steady pace. I once heard a student say "I chose this school because they can accommodate my size the other school had desk that where to small."
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The classroom setting should always accommodation those that are in the classroom whether larger, small, special need or no special needs.
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Its a wonderful thing to see a student and student in a classroom all different with the desire to learn and accomplish a goal. It does not matter the race, handicap, gender or general backgrounds all we know as instructors is that the student desires to learn and to accomplish a goal.

Class managment is about 75% of the task for every instructor we must maintain the flow and structure and classroom management will allow that.

Student retention is very essential in any learning enviroment.

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