Brenda Brown

Brenda Brown

About me

Hi I am an Instructor at Miller Motte Technical College for the Medical Assistants. I enjoy teaching, graduation time and seeing/hearing that students have found a job. Medical Coding, Mdical Insurance, Medical computer applications are just a few course I teah for Administrative Skills in the Medical Assistant Program.


We have a no cell phone policy at our campus and it makes the students aware of how important i is to pay attention and respect , the classmates and instructor.

I agree I allow students to decorate the cover of a project. Fo example, if a studnt likes dogs, I encourage them to put dogs on the cover of the project.

Using technology enhances the theory of the lessons.

It is so important that we have professional soft skills and hard skills to maintain, eager students in the learning process.

This training is very good to enhance our thought process as leaders.


Keeping students engaged is essential to good classroom management.

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Sometimes leaders have to assess a situation, then make a decision. Critical thinking is essential.
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We hae a few barriers with genration Y as an instructor you must engage the students wether it in lecture or technology. The level of delvery of theory is very important and technology has to be implemented.
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This generation and generations to come will have to tackl e social networking in some form or fashion. Our society is making social networking a household word.
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I find that veterans are very import in our society when it come to hire education they are eager and very enlighting to educate and communicate.

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