Ben Cartright

Ben Cartright

About me


so far I like it.. I am not sure about the implementation in what I teach.. but it does look good.

As with anything in our lives, moderation must be the rule.  It is evident in the news and in your own observations the effect cell phones is having on our health and the care of our health.  Much of our activity is becoming limited by the presence of the cell phone and all it is able to do for us.  For example,  I once had to get up to change the channel on the TV in a time we were being condemed for the amount of time the TV took from our active lives. then came the remote, which I… >>>

I am sure I can find away to make use of more multimedia factions for my students,, I am going to have to get permission to do so.   copyrights are not the only kinds of restrictions. and fratiniozing laws also are inforce.. wish me luck

I am in agreement with you, I am also held back by a protected ciriculum and copyrights , so I am not sure how to incorporate some of this, but i plan to access some of the info sites listed to find out

I am one of those who does not spend all of his remaining day socially interacting parsay.  so I have to force myself to actively presue new tecnoligy and its funtions and uses as well as benifits to the teaching process,,, thank God I have 3 children and one of them an educator

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I do alot of public speaking as well at teaching in the classroom,,, I want to add that I have adapted gestures to improve my overall acceptability to the different groups.. something else I have noticed is, if I am tired, I tend to drop my good practices and resort to lesser NV's and the results show in my classroom very quick.  Posture is a hard one to hold onto when we are aging, and have presented the same material repeatedly for several courses..

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Reading eyebrows, lip arrangements, hands on the chin or on the side of the face, all of this is saying sommething,,we have to figure it out,, in general I notice similarities in the uses and the cultural groups,  but I offer have to inquire with an outside source of my NV's having a different meaning in a different cultural

I have noticed that when crossing language barriers, this effect is very much there.   While many times they may not quite follow my lecture... what I write on the board has considerable more results.

This is very informative and provides insites that I am sure some people may never consider.  Sympathy is take a few steps in someone elses shoes, and dealing with disability students and even other people would do us all good to take that one mile journey.

The presentation is the sell.. if you are not sold,, if you do not have the hype to own the product yourself,, then it is highly unlikely that someone else is going to buy into this idea if that is all the excitement you have... also the knowledge about the idea... I have sat under plenty of presenters whowere handed a script and without any knowledge of what they were tryinfg to accomplish I could have easily disassembled the entire present with a couple of choice statements or questions..  The company itself has an obligation to only send people qualified… >>>

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