Beth Costello

Beth Costello

About me


After taking this course I realize how important Adaptive learning could be in higher education.  I agree with how this could appeal to many different learning styles and how beneficial it can be to the masses, however I do wonder if we as a country have to begin this process in early education to get them interested and excited about learning.  I do think that higher education may be too late for some students to want to even go to school.

Does interactive learning get the student to stop and think or just do. We want learning to be fun, but we also want them to take it seriously as well. In response to your comment Robert on phones taking the place of paper and highlighters. I had a student who came to class everyday and never really looked up from his phone. One day I was giving a test and thought he would fail because I never thought he was paying attention.  To my suprise he got the highest grade in the class and realized that the student all along… >>>

I think collaborative learning is also important for socialization, or perhaps just being in range of another person. Shy, quiet students may still shrink back in a group and not share as much, I hope they are getting some form of relevant information from doing this.

 I am interested if Adaptive Learning is successful, we can modify how we teach or what we offer to students on how to be successful, however people and their habits are not so easy to modify.

 I have students research material and present it to the class so I do not have to stand up and lecture all of the time. Students learn better from each other.  I find that they ofter encourage each other and can relate with similiar circumstances.@torber0818 :

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I am taking this course to be able to figure out how to keep motivating my students as the semester moves on. At first the students were very motivated to learn and lately they have been drifting off. It is not that my teaching style has changed but the subject did. Being that this is a core basic class and needed, they somehow cannot see why the projects they are doing relate to the outside world even though I give them examples all of the time. How do I motivate students any more than I feel I have
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So what can we do? How can we motivate students to want to learn and speak up.
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I found the area of discipline interesting in regards to my students. I had to stop and wonder what may be the intent of their education. Is it to acquire knowledge or get the grade needed to pass the class? Through my experience as an Instructor I always ask my students questions about the chosen topic and they allbow their heads hoping thatI will not make eye contact and pass them up. I then call on each of them to contribute. It is frustrating for me because I feel if they participated and conversed the class would be more interesting… >>>

My concern as an Instructor is that "Will this student be able to perform duties needed in their chosen field after graduation?" I believe that certain accomadations can be made for students with learning disabilities, however if a student is doing par work with extra help, am I as an instructor getting him ready for a career or helping him pass the class. The work may get completed but perhaps not good enough for the real world. Are we misleading some students with disabilities?

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