Brian Cullen

Brian Cullen

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I believe that it is critical to understand the level of education the learner has before submitting tests for a curriculum (Diagnostics). For instance, the Community College level freshman year student is often less likely to have the critical writing skills that a credited 4 year degree studnt may have. Thus, it may be impractical to offer more essay type questions to these students.
I am of the opinion that with smaller class sizes (Under 20) allows for more of an informal forum where I can utilize my professional work experiences as part of the lecture more often, and adult learners can share their experiences as well. With larger class groups the time to cover the given material in the syllabus takes up more time due to q & a, and covering the requirements.
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When dealing with adult learners, the consensus seems to be that they have returned to school to "Make more money" however, this is not generally the case. More often than not, they have personal issues. Such as, completing something they have not acheived in the past due to personal issue....children, marriage, lack of resources. I genrally teach my classes differently than I would for indivdiduals who have recently graduated from high school, becasue these people are currently in the workforce, and have "Real life" experience to add to the class discussions. More often than not I end learning a considerable… >>>

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It can be difficult when utilizing a syllabus that is in place already for a particular course of study. By this I mean it is not tailored to your specific teaching style. For instance, some instructors have more "Real world" experience to apply to their courses, and do not rely soley on power point presentations, and textbook quotations. This being said, the instructor who has more experience can tailor class discussion topics, and projects to more relevant material that is currently occuring in society.

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