Betsy Swan

Betsy SwanCHEP

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I found ED108 to present information in a concise and helpful manner.  I will be looking for ways to incorporate more graphic displays in my classroom, and changing some of my powerpoint methods based on this ED segment.


I found ED107 very helpful in the retooling of the Wine & Beverage program that I teach.

I had been contemplating a change in the class - starting with the end of the class on the first day - The Wine List.

But I was not sure how to execute it yet.  When I started ED107, the timing and the content could not have been more appropriate!

The segment in Module 4 really valdiated what I was started to work on with the curriculum, and hepled me plan it out better.

I met with my current students for a course… >>>

Hospitality & the workplace laws can get, well rather dull if all you do is lecture right out of the book & only do reading assignments. We break it up and make it more realistic - how it applies to the everyday workplace our students will soon be entering. TELL: Taking a short amount of time to go over the material at hand using the traditional powerpoint to underscore what the reading assignment in the textbook covered. SHOW: highlighting where in the real world this material comes into play - then handing it over to the students. the hands on… >>>

Discussion Comment
I found this first module very helpful. If the intructor can help probelm students focus on their strong points it will redirect their energies back into the class.

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