About me
About me
I found most of the content relevant to challenges I face on a daily basis during my classes. Management of the classroom environment is difficult at times when dealing with certain student types. I will try some of the techniques I have learned here in my next class.
I have been teaching at the career college for about 2 years. I see the importance of becoming an accomplished intrinsic and extrinsic motivating instructor as well as the subject matter expert I am. While many people know their field they may not have the training to teach in the field using both of these methods. That is why I have found this course to be helpful and useful in my instructor career.
I am using both intrinsic and extrinsic motivators in my classroom that I have learned in this lesson. I attempt to inspire students by explaining the risks and rewards of the career field that they are entering. I also explain why doing well in the classroom typically relates to the finacial rewards in the field.
Active learning is a more comtemporary and fun for the students. After a day of active learning, I commented to my students how fast the day went by. Most agreed that the day flew by because we were so busy and active. The students respond well due to increased "buy-in" with the subject matter.
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Motivation is one of the key principles that make a good class a great one.