Karen Maiorano

Karen Maiorano

About me


Depends on the class, but size starts at around 60 and within 2 weeks is at around 30 due to natural attrition in first term classes. No there is no option of doing extra credit or grading for a portion of the class that is not a graded element. In one of the schools I work for there is no leverage for the instructor, which minimizes the work of the students who are conscientious - though this is just my personal opinion [based on being in this business for over20 years]. Students need to be challenged and held accountable, or… >>>

Maybe if more than 5 students came to the classes, but they are not required and I usually have 1-4 students in each.
As indicated in my previous responses, there is no flexibility for the instructor, only the students at one school and honestly I find myself spending more time in that one school than combined in my other 2-3, unfortunately that one school is the only one that almost guarantees classes. BIG catch 22 for me as I love what I do, but it is slowly becoming a chose due to this one school. :-(
In three of my four schools, this is easy to do however the one school that I am [almost] guaranteed classes has no deadlines for work and we MUST accept what is submitted. It is easier when working for one employer to not be a 24/7 instructor but when you are working for more, not so easy.
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Nope...no late policy so in week 4 I am grading week 4, 3, 2, and 1....it is VERY confusing for me as the grader. I do not think it benefits the students either and have voiced this opinion numerous times over my 4 year tenure. :-(
Thanks for your response Broderick, however I do all the "right things" they just do not seem to work for me in first term classes. I continue to get to make it work, however term by term it is different.....sometimes students actually read feedback and follow what is written, sometimes they don't and sometimes its a little of both - lately it has been lots of the first. Happy New Year kam

Thanks for your insights Rachelle, unfortunately as an adjunct working for several schools it is tough to keep up with doing all things for all schools. I find that as an adjunct that works best when you are working FT elsewhere and not counting on this as your FT employment. I know I am not the only "FT adjunct" out there, however feel that the term "adjunct" is loosely interpreted by many schools as I am constantly in meetings during the day and dealing with tons of busywork that takes away from me being able to spend sufficient time with… >>>

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I agree, I am going to try this as well. Thanks Rachelle! :-)
I am...6-7 days a week a minimum of 14 hours a day... I can only do what I can do. :-(
I do and will continue to as long as I am doing this! :-)

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