Bobbi Bricker

Bobbi Bricker

About me


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The ironic thing is, is that each time you enter a class room it is important to evaluate the model or type of person you need to be. I teach IT and business classes. Each course I enter into is different, keyboarding students are different than more advanced IT students, and so on.
I have had good experiences with my past students. They have really helped me become a better instructor. Through trying to help them come out of their shells, group projects and my own teaching style. Every class is different. Until I gain some sort of relationship with my students, I don't know if I will spend more time lecturing and demonstrating or finding outside materials and videos.
I think that is a great idea, however since we are required to stay the whole class period I typically go into the introductory materials and get things started.
I believe that taking the time to learn about students will help you really understand their learning style. I prefer to integrate many different learning styles into my class periods. I understand that we need to work together to make the class as interesting and as productive environment as possible.
I truly believe the first day is like testing the waters before a swim. It is the perfect time to welcome students who are new and also those who may be return students to your classroom. This is a great time to encourage students to engage in conversation with others and learn about everyone's background and experiences.
It is important to create an open and inviting environment for students. I believe the real trick is doing this without leaving any openings for students to take advantage of the situation. Most students look to an instructor they can trust and also relate to. If you make yourself approachable and also give the impression of being knowledgeable you will be successful with this.
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I think that being a good model means taking the time to really understand who you are. It means trying to take a different point of view and try to see how the students see you. It is getting past reacting immediately and actually taking the time to evaluate the situation.

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