Brenden McCormick

Brenden McCormick

About me


Sometimes it is hard for instructors to relize not everyone we deal with is a intelligent individual. Though they do have dreams and aspirations of becoming something in this profession whether we feel they can or cannot we must follow through with the business end to ensure they get the mentoring and training they paid for and we still have a job doing what we love.
Certain instructors have mural issues and can easily drag others into their half empty mentality. I found the best way to deal with this is too surround yourself with a positive influences not a negitive ones.
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I put this on the board every class. I love to show students that they can succeed and there are reasons to strive for excellence.
How do you set up students in work groups and why? Is it better to have groups divided into 1 student with really good Cognitive and Psychomotor and two that do not. Or would it be best for groups to keep the stronger and weaker together.
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I have noticed that students do appeal to different teaching styles. I have students interact with theory, some will interact and learn in workstations and some interact only through participation. Some students will even comment " I really understand now that I have put my hands on what we discussed". I see that exploring different learning styles greatly reduces sleepers and poor testing scores.
Is it better to have the group of friends sit next to each other and work in groups together or to break them up and introduce them to and work with other members of their class?
I see that as an Instructor it can become an easy trap to fall into( just following a powerpoint). What things or methods do you have as an Instuctor that help you to teach the material and not just follow a powerpoint?

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