Bobbi Miles

Bobbi Miles

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The various responses we as faculty can make to assist our students with PTSD and/or TBIs in developing appropriate learning strategies in class.

I did not realize that if we have access to a student's IEP, we can still use the development of that to apply appropriate accommodations for post-secondary students.

I appreciated deepening understanding between the effects of TBI vs. PTSD.

I have both firsthand and other experience with those with PTSD, being a veteran myself.  I appreciate the fact that this course also elucidates the results of the ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences Survey) studies regarding the potential for both psychological and physiological risks for those who have experienced untreated childhood trauma.

One of the reasons I found certain safety regulations are ignored are because people are in a hurry to finish, or they are not paying appropriate attention to the precautions and/or instructions (usually because they are in a hurry to finish).

Being a clinical instructor is so different from being a solely didactic instructor.  There is a whole separate skill set to develop when encouraging, promoting, providing and evaluating student learning, versus that of classroom learning.

As I am new to teaching labs, this is a relatively novel type of instruction found  here.  I intend to use the information though, to try to simulate as much as possible the potential scenarios my students my find themselves, so they actually get the most from their lab.

I believe competency training certainly has a place in the training of all people who's jobs require detailed and precise performance, like nursing.  The use of Bloom's taxonomy is what helps instructors ensure they are providing the best possibility training at the level required for our students to form beginning level competencies in their future profession.

It is vital to remember that not all people learn the same way, and employing multiple methods of teaching helps to keep the material fresh and interesting, and for students to learn this all the better.

There are just so many good ideas for this, I feel like I want to keep this course on "bookmark"  The hand signals and dots would be especially helpful

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