Bradley Martin

Bradley Martin

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Everyone is stressed, but they deal with it differently.


I am an expert in my field that just began teaching.  I am finding it has plenty "stressors" of its own.

The importance of streamlining lesson plans.


This module explains the importance of making a "To Do" list, then breaking it down and priortizing the list so that tasks are less intimidating and in the order which they need to be completed 


I realized how many sub-categories of intruction exist.  Some of these categories I have exoperienced as a student, some I have administered during instruction and I would like to try all of them!

The importance of clearly defining and outlining every section of the plan, then making sure that you fulfill the standards and objectives laid out.


The importance of discovering what your students know and where they are in the field before creating a lesson plan.

I liked the way it acknowledged that a test may have flaws, but gave a suggestion for improvement without compromising your image to the students.

The idea of giving a pre-test to get to know your students right away and cater your teaching strategy yo what you learn about them is great.

I found the breakdown of PP presentations to be very helpful


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