About me
I have been in admisisons for almost 16yrs. I truly enjoy helping prople reach their goals.
About me
I have been in admisisons for almost 16yrs. I truly enjoy helping prople reach their goals.
As an Admissions team member it is important to do the right thing as your actions have a major impact on how the institution is perceived.
I was unaware of the CIE meeting being open to the public. This also reinforced the importance of knowing the admissions requirements of my institute.
A thorough understanding of the rules and regulations are very important to help protect the school and the student.
It is very important to know the facts about your school and the rules and regulations of your state that apply to your school.
I feel a sense of responsibility more now than prior to this brief training. I have always know these things but it is necessary to get a fresh insight or take on what it is that I actually do.
Comment on Ricardo Martin's post: I agree...attitude is a key component to success.
I like how this shows how to develop a trust worthy relationship with the potential student. Sharing past success stories allows them envision themselves in your school.
Energy and attitude go hand and hand...I totally agree with this module.
I believe that small talk is a big part of the communication hierarchy. As this can end the advancement very quickly.
I believe this to be the most import topic of this traning. More transparency would help to provide prospective students with the information to make their experience better at whatever school they choose.
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