Branson Yebra

Branson Yebra

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Literacy includes Comprehension. This really stuck out to me because so much of the words that come out of our mouths is just responses we have grown comfortable with giving to certain questions or statements. Its easy to forget to slow down and really listen and understand before responding.

Grading student work can be one of the more challenging tasks to get done sometimes however its imperative that we as instructors are making sure that our grading is not only fair, but also prompt. Its crucial that we are providing students with feedback as soon as possible. This is one reason why the implementation of technology is so helpful. I have found that using assignments that can be automatically graded is a great way for students to complete tasks while also getting that immediate feedback.

I really liked the ideas on how to re engage a class. I especially plan on implementing activity changes when students are not paying attention. Doing so forces the student to think about the importance of what is being presented.

Powerpoint is one of the primary mediums instructors are able to use in order to summarize a large amount of content into a platform that is able to be discussed. Powerpoints can be powerful however if done incorrectly they can push student engagement further away which is bad. 10-20-30 seems helpful and I will strive to make my powerpoints shorter.

Using class time to prepare assignments or materials is not a good practice because it takes away from the time you get to spend with students. Understanding the different style of teachers was interesting and helpful especially when it comes to utilizing methods of differentiated learning.

Incredible list of technological online resources. I personally use FlipGrid so that students are able to teach me a skill via a video presentation. The students enjoy it since they can use the videos to study. Integrating tech into the classroom is key to keeping up with the ever advancing tech world. Its our job to make sure these students are ready for the real world and tech is the way to do that.

Instruction without a plan sets everyone up for failure which is why curriculum is so important. Time is almost always the limiting factor when it comes to learning. We have very limited time with students so it is imperative that we make the most of it and always come prepared so we can ensure a smooth lesson.

Different types of assessments will yield different results and it is important to use assessments as a tool for collecting data rather than just another activity. Working backwards through a lesson is an interesting concept to me however I can easily understand why going backwards better identifies and defines the course learning objective.

Curriculum seems to be one of those forever evolving things that never seems to be as perfect as it can be. However using what I learned in this chapter about horizontal and vertical alignment will help me ensure that my class content is relevant to each of the course learning objectives are. Additionally, goal setting is incredibly important for the same reason that Course learning outcomes are. without them the plan becomes unclear.

Paying attention to how our own emotions can impact the class is incredibly important because it is one of those things that can be easily over looked. If the instructor is in a bad mood, those emotions will spread and make their way to the students. This can be a big deal when it comes to safety. Emotions can cloud our judgment sometimes and because of that it is always important to take your emotional state into account when talking about safety.

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