About me
About me
For this module I have a greater understanding of how important it is to motivate students daily. Showing empathy and understanding of their circumstances are huge.
Refocus is a great reminder on how to infuse a renewed and engaging format for the class.
Try to reward students and keep positive attitude. Make the class interesting and on topic.
Adult learners need to know where they are and keep positive
Instructors need to be aware of the variety of student in their class and make the correct adjustments to the their needs. So necessary to know the students intrinsic reasons for being successful but Instructors need to know their bountries when interacting with student and often they can reach out to Ed Managers and Student Services for additional help so that this does not become overwhelming and take away from other students
All of these new tools for online sharing of information and documents will lead to student being better equipped to be successful in their courses.
This topic was very helpful.
Providing great customer service to both internal and external customers is key to a successful business. I make time to stop by career fairs and try to see PAC member and touch base with them. This help with external relationships.
First impression if key. Customer focus is key. A welcoming smile and answering questions right away is key.
Giving customers or students really good service goes along way. They normally return back for other help knowing they will get the help they needed.
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