Marsha Brown

Marsha Brown

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I have learned over the years to treat students with respect and not to make them feel as just another number. It is always best to be have a open line of communication and to make them feel comfortable. Celebrate with them each milestone accomplished even if it is just passing a quiz as well as being empathic in their struggles with words of encouragement and motivation. Be a resource for them where they are not afraid to reach out or feel alone. Education is a life-long process and takes commitment and dedication from the students and as staff/faculty, the… >>>

First impressions says a lot about your institution. It could be from visiting the campus for the first time or scrolling on the website for the first time, either scenario must be inviting and welcoming for the student/visitors. These can prove to be your most important Touchpoint.

People will remember how you treated them and how you made them feel. That starts with Customer Service and how you represent your Company.

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