Bethany Rush

Bethany Rush

About me


As a student who learns better through self quided materials, this concept really sparks an interest with me.  What have been your best/most used tools for pre-recorded lectures.

Discussion Comment
We are continually having a problem with this particular Cohort of students when it comes to tardiness and attendance. The guidelines have all been laid before them, the examples have all been set, from a professionalism standpoint the bar has been set high. Our issues come from the students have little to no regard on implementing these standards themselves, which causes for major classroom interruptions and lots of missed information. I would love some feedback as to positive ways others have handled or dealt with some of these similar issues.

Geez Louis! I am a fairly new adjunct clinical instructor who also helps with various lecture classes. I have been working on one lecture for a class period and it has almost overloaded my brain. Hats off to the a,axing teachers that have lecture style classes on a daily and weeklY basis. I am LEarning more and more I am a hands on learner and definitely feel my best suit in teaching is in the clinical setting. Very thankful that the clinic is where I am able to implement all of the "knowledge" students are learning through their lecture style… >>>

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