William Burke

William Burke

About me


One thing that I do when my class starts on day one is a brief biography of myself. I then go atround the classroom and ask each student their name, where they are from and why are you here. This has been very helpfull in getting a good flow to the room.
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Yes the school has to have comitmment but what about YOU. It is you that the students see day in and day out. It is you that they first go to for help. It is you that see when a student is down or not feeling weel. Do you ever take the time to stop and ask hey whats wrong can I help. Sometimes you will get no answer but guess what just your asking has made that person realize that you care. We are the frontline in the education departments of where we work. With this we need to… >>>

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I feel that as an educator it is my responsibility to keep the students here and interested. As i say they sign my paycheck each week and without them I have no pay. Also it is gratifying to have one of the students come up to you at the end of a phase and thank you for what you have given them. It is even better when a parent thanks you. So how do we keep them in class, remind them why they are here they had a dream, give them the best possible learning experience you can. But above… >>>

I left out a letter the f students was supposed to be of students ---a group of students ---- my fault. But even so you did not understand what i was trying to say it is not the students fault but mine for not conveying the information to them in a way they understand
OK I may be old fashioned on this but if you have a group f students and they all fail an exam it is not their fault but yours. I look at quizzes as a measuring device for me more than for the students. If the majority of the students failed the quiz then i have let them down by not educating them in a way that they understand. So i need to regroup and rethinh the way i covered the material not the exam. Just my thoughts

When we run into the situation where the class in general does not have the desired schooling or practical app what to do. Is it good to lower the class to their level thus leaving out the ones who are already there. NO Is it good to leave the level where you are so that the ones who are grasping it do not get bored. MAYBE What about this find a way to do both one way could be to have the ones who grasp the knowledge become kind of student helpers. Use their experience and knowledge to your benefit… >>>

It seems we focus more and more on media types and such so that it would seem that anyone could walk in and use a PP and teach a class using a handout. This is ok but I feel that the instructor should know the subject before trying to educate someone who does not know it. My preferred for of media is the whiteboard, why you ask because it is easier to format the presentation to the learning types in the classroom so therefore it works for me.

I often ask myself what traits do you have that allow you to be successful at what you do. I am a Dead Poets-Drill Seargant style instructor. Now how does this either A help or B hinder the learning of my students. Very easy you have to know what style to use on what day and hour and even minute that the students are in your classroom. By combining the 2 styles I have become effective at what I do most students respond well but then again it is a subject that I LOVE wow that must be the key… >>>

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The tests i use in my classroom contain all of the types except for essay due to time restraint and it works well for us.

I keep reading everyone going let them know the grading structure, let them know the grading policy, let them know this or that. What good is knowing a structure and style if you have not bean properly given the tools to approach this. Once again this takes us back to HOW DO YOU REACH THE STUDENTS. Use varying methods of approach then you find that scores will improve if you are giving them a w aya to understand it. How many here fell when their class gets bad test scores THE INSTRUCTOR has failed. I do, why because I did… >>>

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