Chris Aguilar

Chris Aguilar

Location: brownsville, campus

About me

Instructor at Southern Careers Institue Brownsville, Campus.

I have been an educator for more then ten years.

I am a firm believer in education, I truly enjoy having the opportunity to change the life of a young person intellectually and socially.       


 An educational institution is defined as an incorporated or governmental not-for-profit entity with the purpose of providing direct instruction to students in grades K-20 applicable towards a degree recognized by an independent accreditation organization.”

Social media is a current paradigm for learning collaboratively from any location at any time, allowing students and instructors to come together and share ideas about the topic at hand or introduce new, relevant topics for further exploration and discussion.

Essay questions can be written so as to focus on a specific principle or circumstance. I have to argee with this statement. 

The cognitive domain refers to the development of intellectual skills. That is, the focus is on how and how much a student can learn. Our teaching is focused on what students should know about a subject. This is the domain that this section of the course will most focus upon.

Teachers who clearly establish expectations and craft consequences, both positive and negative, relative to those expectations are facilitating a learning environment in which students are more likely to choose the behaviors sought from them. Students need to know the positive outcomes of preferred behaviors as well as the less desirable outcomes of not meeting expectations. Students need to be held accountable for their choices.

As teachers, we know what students should be asking. Rather than wait for them to ask us, we should ask them the key questions. A structured set of review and application questions, prepared in advance, works well in most cases. These questions can form the basis of the review at the beginning of the next class meeting. They also may be the starting point for quizzes and tests on the material.

It is a good idea to have yourself videotaped occasionally to see how you are really presenting yourself. 

The students need to have a sense of comfort about their ability to succeed in the course and about continued progress toward their career goals.

Using a checklist is the most helpful thing an instructor can do to help ease the first-class nerves. Make yourself a list and keep it handy. I have been using check list for ten year, and they work. 

You should make your professional development plan a fluid one so you can change directions based upon newly identified needs. The key is to keep current in your field so you can see when you need to add content and/or change instructional format.

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