Carlos Romero

Carlos Romero

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As an instructor you need to learn what learning style your students are using.

Diversity and inclusion of students is very important.

Inter-cultural communication is the way to go!

Sensitivity toward all genders, and assure every student is included in class instruction.

The various types of assessments and the cycle of using them.

Student learning portfolios are a very good tool.

Assessment are very important however you will need to follow up with providing more instruction evaluation if needed. Then assess the student again.

Assessments are a requirement. during the ongoing teaching process that I will use to see if the student is able to apply the knowledge in class instruction.

IT is very obvious that teaching generation Y,Z can help also teach the boomers, and generational technical knowledge which they can learn from their peers.

Gen X,Y, and Z will be more likely to use different new technologies available to them and get instant feed back. 

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