There are challenges that all learners face whether they are in person or online. The information on managing the challenging behaviors and redirecting the students to make the most of their online learning plan is beneficial in dealing with the potential fall out if the out of sync traits are not addressed.
I have learned that student participation and engaging learners can be a confidence booster.
What I have learned from this module is that I can project my presence but it is equally as important to establish relationships with the students.
This module separates the different facets of what we do as online instructors. There are so many things that we integrate and complete seamlessly that when it is sectioned out it is quite substantial. There is a lot of work and responsibility that goes into online course delivery.
I have learned that peer feedback helps those evaluated to better retain the knowledge gained from the instructional material. The students learn how to evaluate as well as receive evaluations from their peers.
This section taught me the components of a well-designed introductory statement for an assignment. The prompt questions on what an assignment introduction should entail are quite insightful. I will review the assignment and discussion prompts and adjust them so that they provide substantial information to complete each assignment.
This asynchronous platform on online learning is great for engaging with other learners with the flexibility of reviewing the material on my own schedule.
I have learned that having a quality online course means that you must have all of the quality engagement areas that will stimulate all learners no matter their learning style. That means that one must be adept at communicating the same information in several ways.
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