Carrette Stobbs

Carrette Stobbs

About me



I will check out these sites as well. As technology advances peoples outlook and values changes. Such is the case with the 21st century learners. We are now living on a technological landscape; hence the educational arena is adjusting to its demands. Adults who want to participate in continuing education are searching for an educational system that has immediacy, relevance, cater to their learning styles, and allow them to work at their own pace. Adaptive learning has many benefits.    


Discussion Comment

I will check these sites as well. As technology advances peoples outlook and values changes. Such is the case with the 21st century learners. We are now living on a technological landscape, hence the educational arena is ajusting to its demands. Adults who want to participate in continuing education are searching for an educational system that has immediacy, relevance, cater to their learning styles, and allow them to work at their own pace. Adaptive learning has many benefits.    

I too would love to become an online facillitator and this course has given me some real insight on the nature of online teaching. 

Just as it happens in the brick and morta classrooms, so too does conflict happen in the online classes. Emotions can be transmitted acrosss thousands and thousands of miles. I have had online instructors who were very rude and whose personality comes off all wrong. Respect is nessary for good rapport. I have had students in my classes who were intimidators, but I had to maintain my emotional intelligene and be the unflinching leader I need to be, while at the same responding respectfully to the intimidators. The human entitity is always a challenge.  

I wish with all my heart that I have smaller classes. My class size range from 14-17. All adult learners. This requires proper planning of content, activities and delivery. A large class takes a lot out of an instructor who does not settle for mediocre experience and one who wants the optimum learning experience for the students. There is also the different moods to deal with. It is the instructors responsibility to maintain a positive and peacefilled climate. Smaller classes are great but I unfortunately do not have that luxuary.   

Adult learners come to the classroom with a plethora of experiences but they also come with a myriad of issues. I realized that they hunger for encouragement and for their instructor to be a leader and a mentor for them. The istructor is called to a higher level of decorum and leadership. We must have something besides the content of the course to impart. We must be there to impact their lives positively. Many of the students I teach are broken one way or the other. They look to us to encourage them.  



Awsome course. It speaks directly so some issues I face an angry student I currently teach. Whenever my student walks in the classron the atmosphere suddenly becomes charged with hostility. I realized I was employing some of the very same stragtegies I read about in the course. So I was encouraged. I do not view an angry student as the enemy; I see them as sand paper -- a kind of refining tool to refine my soft skills. Many times they are not angry with us, they are angry with the issues in their lives that make them feel… >>>

I thoughly love these courses ;they keep me on the cutting edge. 


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The training was wonderful. It challenges me to revisit my values and goals for my career. Very uplifting and  re-energizing

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