Helping student to become aware of potential pitfalls so they can avoid them. The seven principles of learning.
Importance of knowing students technology skills and providing tools and tips to ensure they know how to function for the basic tasks required.
With online learners it is important to connect with each learner and help them understand why the content is important to their lives. This may come in different forms for different learners.
Time management is key and it is important to survey students to help them identify their strengths and weakness when taking an online course.
Being a good guide on the side and having rubrics for communication and expectations of online content.
Generational differences should be taken to consideration during online learning and online students need to have time management skills, and be self motivated.
Setting a pattern for communication within the course. Also, setting expectations and rubric for communicating.
Each technology tool should be evaluated for emall/large group and even though you choose a technology tool, you do not have to use every function available. It should also be assessed for future use at the end of a course.
Organization and consistency is key. Remember the four O's of course design: Origin, Organization, Orchestration, and Outcomes assessment.
Feedback and engagement are important and can be a challenge. It is also important to set expectations regarding online participation, etiquette, etc.
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