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About me
It was mentioned in this section that the top two sources of feeling disorganized (stressed in my book) are a messy house or an unkempt yard. I believe this completely as I always feel a lot better after I finish cutting and trimming my yard, it's clean and organized and it makes me happy. I know that it's going to keep growing and I know that I'll have to cut it again but the feeling of accomplishment and calm after cutting the grass is a good one. This same sense of accomplishment is hard to achieve with other ongoing tasks… >>>
I'm not saying giving them extra time to complete a task is a crutch, I'm saying that the time an instructor spends with that student and away from the other students is an issue. If a student needs help from the instructor then it should be offered regardless but, when overcompensating for fear of not meeting ADA accommodations, the other students in the class suffer. The issue that was my concern was the student who abuses the instructor at the cost of the other students. Having a disability doesn't give you the right to be selfish, I have seen this… >>>
I think that it's a bit too easy to overcompensate time on task when working with a student with a disability for fear of not meeting their needs. I think in doing this that we short change our other students and end up letting the students we make accommodations for get away with sub par work and poor attitudes which, in the long run, is not beneficial to that student. While I'm on my soap box I'd like to add that I think it's ridiculous that I have to have documentation if a student needs specific accommodations. I have, in… >>>
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