Ted Tsevis

Ted Tsevis

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I prefer to go over the test as soon as it has been graded rather than the next day because any questions they may have are still fresh,they may forget that question a day later.
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Being in the automotive industry, I find that planning field trips to dealerships or assembly plants very beneficial to students. It also gives the employers a chance to see our quality of future employee.
Before I start a new topic I have the students answer the bullet points on the overview page and write down the page number where they found their answers. This will ensure that they have opened their books and the page reference is a good study guide.
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What if getting involved leads the student in a negative direction? What can happen to the instructor?
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Most students will respond positively if you treat them with non threatening respect. In otherwords, don't constantly harp on them when they are wrong, don't embarass them when they do the wrong thing. If they find the class enjoyable, they will try to see it through to the end.
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I agree that we should keep our standards of professionalism top priority, but what happens when instructors get too authoritative. When I hear some instructors disciplining students it sounds like the beginning in that Twisted Sister video...tuck in that shirt, stand up straight, wipe that smile from your face, who are you, where do you come from, are you listening to me?, what do you want to do with your life... How do you get through to those guys that this isn't high school and most of our students will respond when talked to.

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