Chloe Melton

Chloe Melton

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I really learned the different options in delivering material to my students with adaptive learning.

I'd like to look further into going on field trips or bringing in speakers to help give our students a well rounded approach.

I often talk to my students about "reading the room" to equally match someone's personality. I'd like to further this discussion in the future to include discussing our cultural backgrounds and how it can affect the way in which we communicate and engage our clients.

I loved learning how best to help create retention in their chosen field by offering continuing education courses.

I love teaching professionalism in our ethics section, we offer mock interviews where we discuss not just interview skills but also professional dress. I'm going to start adding more open discussion to get more feedback from the students on their personal experiences with professional dress as well as offer more visual photo references.

I really learned the importance in leadership skills for our students. I'd like to start working with more employers in our field to get feedback as to what they are looking for. I'll also be looking further into the leadership associations referenced.

It is so imperative in todays market to utilize technology in the classroom. Social media being so big my favorite project is students creating an instagram post or tiktok to get their creativity and technical skills flowing.

I will be implementing a Team Building Game: two truths and a lie during my next orientation as an ice breaker and to help build our team.

We consistently discuss that the technical skills we are learning will amass to about 15% whereas their soft skills will take up the remaining 85%. I took away from this to really continue to ask open ended questions, allowing students to find their own solutions. I'd also like to incorporate more group activities for role-playing activities to build upon these skills.

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