Cheryl Matthias

Cheryl Matthias

About me


How can career college educators and other college personnel be more aware of our HABE's and our personal blind spots? It is so easy to find flaws in others, but it is much more difficult when you have to critique your own attitudes.
Discussion Comment
What are some sources of motivation to keep students interested in completing assignments, taking notes, etc.?

Loren- I currently use personal conversations and notes, phone calls and my enthusiasm for the topics I teach to reach those students in need of an extra boost. I try to even make lecture fun and interesting; utilizing critical thinking and crossword puzzles to aid in retention of information. Some students still do not feel the need to attend class even when failing exams. I'm finding the students who are repeating the same course are my worst offenders and I want to help them succeed. I am experimenting with something new, partly as a result of taking this course. I… >>>

I want to reach students who have the capability to succeed, but do not apply themselves, while maintaining academic integrity.

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