Christy  Woodall

Christy Woodall

About me


This course was very clear and understanding in the new rules and regulations. Very helpful.

Like many schools, we struggle at times with motivating students in general, as it pertains to their educational goals, and attendance. it has been my experience that a strict attendance policy is a must! If students are not in class, they cannot be educated. Students are motivated to attend classes as it is directly tied to attendance. At times this does not even work.
Like many schools, we struggle at time with motivating students in general, as it pertains to their educational goals, and attendance. At had been my experience that a strict attendance policy is a must! If students are not in class, they cannot be educated. Students are motivated to attend classes as it is directly tied to attendance.
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We strive daily to focus on student learning first! This is achieved in several steps. As an administrator our educational institution pays the instructors extra hours above and beyond their class’s instruction to create the environment that promotes one-on-one with student and teacher outside the regular leaning environment. If a school administrator expects a teacher to stay over for “no-charge,” that extra one-on-one tutoring time or counseling time, in most cases will not happen.
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We have developed an entire program just dealing with student retention utilizing Department Heads and the Campus Director as the key people to deal one-on-one with retention issues. This is a daily process, and is on-going.
Our school referral rate is 64% so that is proof we make an excellent efforts to ensure students are satisfied the3 educational process. We achieved this by development a student’s services department that deal specifically with student obstacles.
Retention is always been a struggle for any school I have worked out. However, last year we implemented a call system that allowed the instructor(s) time to phone each student that missed class. That way the student feels vested with the instructor- versus-a registrar they may not know as well.

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