Charles Robinson

Charles RobinsonCHEP

About me


I like to learn about my students history before they entered my class. This tells me what ability they will have in lab.
The way I relieve day to day stress at work is to have a detailed day planner. This keeps me on task with my daily workload and lowers stress levels.
Discussion Comment
We have standardized lab sheets the students write answers on. This makes grading them labor intensive. I streamlined my work load by collating the sheets numerically before I grade them. This file system helps save time if I need to find one to review with a student.
My biggest challenge is being consistent with the grading. And not let the personality’s effect how I grade. Some students are more outgoing than others. And it can appear they are doing more work in class.
I am always looking for new ways to deliver my lessons. Some work out very well. Some do not. This helps me to stay sharp in my classroom.

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