Chad Klopfenstein

Chad Klopfenstein

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Understanding the different types of test and what they are for, why they are used, will help me as an instructor present the best greading methods for the learners 


Bloom's Taxonomy of Cognitive Objectives is a geat tool to use as an instructor to terach your course content to the students and also track their learning ability. 


The Socratic method of teachong is an exelcent way to teach your students a higher level of understanding of a subject


It's importaint to use a varity of learning stules to promote learning with students


The use of matirals, and tech, along with lesson plans, make the content of the course that much more learnable for the students

I've never heard of the word "Taxonomy" now I understand the importaints of Bloom's Taxonomy and why it's is so widly used.

Lesson Plans and templates are a vidial teaching tool

Getting to know your students is a great way to fucos your lesson(s) and there delievery. Also plan for Compression factor.

Understanding the different learning styles and ways, will help identify how your students will learn your course. 


Meeting your students as they enter the class room, helps put you at ease but also warms the students. Intruductions all around, discription of the class, and a brief insight as to your own experiances will show the students that you are the teacher, and will help define the class room.


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