The more platforms students get engaged with the more positive results in learning. I will add more social media to help students pass.
The more social platforms students utilize, will help them and instructors get more enthusiastic about learning more. I will add more different types of media to keep them engaged while lecturing.
Technology is being used by a lot of students to help get more information, and it will be very useful for teachers to keep students engaged .
In our medical class we take different practice practice exams. The exams are taken through out the course to see if they are able to make good nursing judgement to pass the State exam .
I always ask different questions untill I get the correct answers. This is a way for me to see the level of knowledge my student have in medical diagnoses and I make sure I get answers from everyone. I keep them engaged.
Technology teaching is very useful for students to learn more. I do more hands on so using camera will be challenging to certain ways to do a prodedure for state certification.
We got to communicate with students right away to make them feel comfortable and motivate them so they are not discouraged.
Teachin in different methods is very helpful for students who are wanting to learn more. Prepare and practicing demonstration a head of class is something I need tp apply.
It is very important to know students name and to share life experience as an instructor. They will see we have a lot in common trying to reach a huge goal to be successful.
It is very important to be ready for students to execute the goal the lesson and make them resposible for what is expected in your class.
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