Public speaking can be terrifying! I liked the reminders to be prepared, review the material several times, and practice the presentation.
Great tutorial! Proper delegation is important for both the employer and the employee. It helps the business run more efficiently and helps the employee develop new skills. As a manager it is important not to give to much advice on how accomplish a specific task but rather to let the employee use and develop their own creativity and problem solving techniques. It is also important to monitor the given task but not "hover" over the empoyee during the completion of the task.
This was an excellent tutorial! I loved the reminder to keep it positive in word, body language, and facial expressions. It's important to let employees know of a problem/concern right away so that is is fresh on the mind and the porblem can be taken care of right away. Constructive feedback is crucial and needed to ensure success in the workplace and to help employees improve and set reachable goals!
This had a lot of great reminders for me about the stresses that a boss has and to be mindful of those stresses. When problems arise do what you can to help minimize the situation before going to the boss. Bosses appreciate creative problem solvers! I learned that it is just as importnant to be a good follower as it is to be a good leader. know when to step up and take the lead and then be willing to step back down.
I like the idea of using mind mapping, brain writing, and the other various brainstorming techniques to come up with a solution to a problem. So many of us think that we are not creative because we are comparing ourselves to someone else. I love that we can change that way of thinking by simply changing the way we think! Everyone has something to bring to the table if they are given the chance and are confident to take it! Let's step put of our comfort zones!
This was a great tutorial on how to develop leadership skills. I loved the concept that everyone can be a leader not matter your position at work or your personality. Sometimes we think we have to be born with those skills or have a specific personality type to be a good leader. I liked the idea of being a member of the group and a team player but not becoming close friends. This can be hard in the work place. I want to work on not showing so much emotion and becoming more objective.
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