Corinne Loveland

Corinne Loveland

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Discussion Comment
I think it's important to stress right from the start of the very first week that as instructors we are here for the students and want to support them. They should email, call, chat, whatever us whenever they are struggling. This is why we teach. If they don't learn, we aren't doing our jobs. I think it's important to students to understand that they aren't "bothering" us when they contact us. Weekly reminders of this might really serve students well.
I think, when responding to discussion forums, it is important to probe students further by responding to their posts with more questions to get them thinking even more. Perhaps they'll respond to the questions in writing. Perhaps they won't. But, when applicable, responding with questions, in addition to recognizing and acknowledging their thoughts, will get them thinking further and working harder.
Discussion Comment

I just want to stress the need I find as an online instructor to work maybe harder than a "real-live" instructor to get to know my students. We don't have the ability to shake anyone's hand or smile at them. We can't use body language or non-verbal cues to reassure our students. We also don't have them captive in a room that shares energy and enthusiasm. They are free to come and go as they please with very surface-level interaction from us and it is for that reason that we have check in more often and really work hard to… >>>

I just want to stress that no matter what topic we as teachers are teaching, we must present our thoughts in writing correctly. We are, after all, role models for the students and they are learning from everything we say or do. What I mean is that I think it's important to write formally when writing online. We need to develop complete sentences and paragraphs (and ideas!) with proper punctuation and syntax. Shortcuts and internet lingo, to me, are indications of unprofessionalism and our students will become models of our behavior. It is not only the English instructors who must… >>>

I think it's important to note that it is not always easy for teachers to be at their best. I once taught an intensive 3-hour class four days a week and it was SO HARD to stay alert and motivated and to keep the students alert and motivated. It's important to be our best which means getting sleep, eating right, preparing our lessons fully and remembering that being a teacher is both not easy and extremely important.
I'm not sure how I feel about this... To me, it makes more sense for students to know they have to study the material to be able to pass a quiz. Not jsut keep guessing until they get a 100. I feel as though a compromise should be made. Maybe students should have multiple tries, but they should be limited, to maybe 3 or something.

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